Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How to design a functional office kitchen?

These days, workplaces are becoming far more flexible in terms of timings and work, and giving time to employees to have some space for themselves also. In this scenario, it is important to have some spaces which can be used to socialize, namely the office kitchen space.

Now, this one space that is used by one and all, and when doing your office interior design, it’s a space that needs to be catered for – however, how do you design a functional office kitchen?

First off, start with looking for some dead space in your office – here is where you can install the kitchen space – since it can be out of way and yet connected, and utilizing the office space perfectly. Now comes the task of designing the office kitchen, and here are some cool ways in which you can design a functional office kitchen.

-          Use the walls as much as possible: Not only will this give you space to store stuff, but will also keep moving space in the kitchen, making it beneficial for all.
-          Keep the microwave, fridge and sink on three different walls, so as to not crowd everyone at the same spot. This will also free movement in the kitchen, and simultaneously more people can be in the kitchen.

-          Stay safe: Safety at workplace is more than important, so make sure there is an emergency exit while doing the office interior fit out in case of any untoward instances.
-          Make it social: Decorate the office kitchen and the space around it in a way that it’s very social – include some fun activities to keep your employees entertained, and to let their hair down once in a while.
-          Staples Station: This one is super helpful, especially when you’ve forgotten to add salt in a hurry, or need some tea to keep your eyes open. Place important staples in your kitchen cabinet to ensure happy and secure employees – sometimes they just need to know that you got their back!

These are some very helpful and important tips to be considered while making a functional office kitchen, however, if you get stuck, check out Winter Plus Interior Design, an Office interior fit out companies in Dubai and office interior design company, specializing in all things related to fit outs and joinery.

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